Cotton Candy Maker # 1

Cotton Candy Maker # 1
Cotton Candy Maker # 1
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social
tags rusted pink, contaminazioni, wounded pink, sugar-coated pink, neon pink, contrasts, reversal, purple-tinged sequences, Giant piece of jewellery, princess playset, child brides, children's rights, video sculpture
base 65 cm
height 112 cm
depth 80 cm
year 2019
Video Sculpture, edition 1/1, painted iron, Full HD monitor, plush fabric, Bose speaker, audio

Cotton Candy Maker #1, from the KINDERGARTEN series of works on the violation of children's rights, is dedicated to child brides. Giant piece of jewellery - a ring inspired by a princess play set, but without its precious stone - transmit crude, purple-tinged sequences of timeless dramas from its empty setting. In a merciless reversal of the scenario, the game has given way to the nightmare of senseless customs, interwoven with the sad sound of a music box from a shattered fairy tale. The contrasts inherent in the materials - the iron sugar-coated with a pink hue, yet contaminated and 'wounded', and the plush fabric, which is soft but black, without any colour - also highlight the contradiction in the way young girls have become nothing more than toys in the hands of adults.
Anna Skoromnaya
Artist, Genoa
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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