Cream Hand Mixer # 2

Cream Hand Mixer # 2
category Sculpture
subject Political / Social
tags contrasts, gloss&rusty, children's rights, child labours, swing, gearwheel, video sculpture, boy polishing shoes, nursery rhyme, rusty orange, contamination, rusted iron
base 100 cm
height 450 cm
depth 100 cm
year 2017
Video Sculpture, edition 1/1, Cor-Ten steel, painted iron, Full HD monitor, Bose speaker, and audio

The work Cream Hand Mixer # 2, taken from the Kindergarten cycle of works that tackles the topic of the violation and degradation of children's rights, is dedicated to the topic of children used by adults as tools of labour. This installation has the appearance of a swing, but at the same time looks like a gearwheel, in a reversal of the scenario that destroys that magic of the game, bringing the tragedy of the exploitation out into the open. The video found within the sculpture reproduces the images of a little boy, embedded in the object and obliged to work polishing shoes, distorting the playful function of the swing, while the voices of children chanting the words of an old nursery rhyme in the background drag the spectator without warning into a broken fairy-tale dimension, revealing how the natural meaning of play and childhood itself has been turned upside-down.
Anna Skoromnaya
Artist, Genoa
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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