Domino dell’Amicizia

Domino dell’Amicizia
Domino dell’Amicizia
category Installation
subject Abstract
tags domino, tessere, dialogo, amicizia, aggregazione
base 232 cm
height 210 cm
depth 12 cm
year 2021
When I prepared the first panel and the following ones with the idea that each one could be given as a gift to a "friend", I was inspired by the game of Dominoes. Many "cards" distributed to people with whom I have an emotional relationship and to those with whom I communicate for my business, with the intention that once delivered they could then be "recalled" to be aggregated, making these ties clear. Each panel would have belonged to them, a bond of affection and appreciation.
This is how I understood the similarity between Dominoes, a game that develops by adding "pieces" from time to time, and the relationships of friendship and knowledge that are nourished by the aggregation between various people.

White, black, ivory and red plastic strips, or obtained from food packaging. Some perforated strips and others with printed words - long or short, wide or thin - curved and then installed on special and studied open slots on various laminil sheets measuring H 93 cm x W 23 cm x D 0.5 cm. These laminil sheets can be aggregated in different compositions; screwed onto cardboard sheets or fixed directly to the wall.

Unique work
Daniela Lazzari
Artist, Mogliano Veneto
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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