E Quando Poi

E Quando Poi
E Quando Poi
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags E Quando Poi Raffaele Letizia
base 110 cm
height 130 cm
depth 4 cm
year 2022
Mixed media on canvas (paper tape, acrylic, ink, distilled fluorescent markers).

And then when I see you.
And then when you don't notice.
And then when I walk away.
And then when you get closer.
And then when we are among people.
And then when I'm alone.

Omnia vincit amor (Virgil)
A subjective narration of Love, in the arduous attempt to translate onto canvas that emotional complexity that pervades the relationship between the one who loves and the loved object. Be it yourself, someone or something. While the world watches.
Attraction, comparison, growth, silence, proximity, belonging, life that flows. An authentic experience, imbued with a universal meaning that cannot easily be expressed in words.
Raffaele Letizia
Digital artist, Painter, Artist, Caserta
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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