Entrata al Tempo

Entrata al Tempo
Entrata al Tempo
category Installation
subject Landscape, Abstract
tags tela, memoria, carbone, tempo, installazione, bianco
base 250 cm
height 250 cm
depth 300 cm
year 2018
The installation is made of a vertical and a horizontal part.
two canvases, 200 x 100 cm, painted white, partially covering a wooden table, 250 x 30 cm, burnt.
coal placed on the ground forming a carpet which extends from the center of the vertical part to the viewer.

Edition: single piece

The work attempts to represent the concept of Time. To grasp its secrets we must cross the doors of knowledge, in a path full of memories of the past that lie on the ground marking the way to follow. An apparent journey into the Known, where our senses manage to establish a contact with reality, which will inevitably lead to collide with the Unknown.
Ricky Bordoni
Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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