Ephemeral City

Ephemeral City
Ephemeral City
category Sculpture
subject Abstract, Architecture
tags Rome, Insitu, Science
base 80 cm
height 315 cm
depth 72 cm
year 2021
Plywood stele, triangular iron base, corner reflector (galvanic 24k gold plated steel sheet).

The Ephemeral City project has been developed by the artist for a special event, “Piazze Romane”. The artist has won a prestigious bando that has allowed her to leave her signature in the Piazza del Teatro di Pompeo. The Theater of Pompeii, no longer existing, was the first theater in Rome built in masonry. Temporary wooden ones were erected only near places of worship. For the occasion of the visit of the Armenian King Tiridates to Rome, Nero had the whole building gilded in one day. Now the desire is to make the invisible visible, to reveal the essence of things: a simple wooden stele creates a new temporary stage. A golden triangle marks a moment in time, because it reflects the signal of a transiting satellite and sends out an intangible sign - visible only in the satellite image. The project is carried out with the European Space Agency (ESA).
Anica Huck
Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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