
category Painting
subject Abstract
tags astratto, gallery, leduc, oil
base 154 cm
height 104 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2011
pierre-yves le duc:
when eros is art ...
Why does your art overflow with sexual
Sex is the fulcrum of reality, the whole
structure of nature and soul, the
projection of the most intimate profile
of human beings, the tool whereby to
investigate the portal of life. Reality is a
fulcrum; sex is what humanity is based
on; sex is the way in which we keep
the species alive, and it is something
immutable. Mine is a very ambiguous
eroticism. There’s no way I could
express it any differently from what I
do. Besides, it’s not my responsibility
if some may interpret this as a sort
of obsession with female and male
genitalia which after all are neither more
nor less than the inception of the world.
Like everybody else I too was created by
my parents, and sex is where everything
originates from. I ’m aware that this
choice, which in reality is basically a
necessity due to my interpretation
of life, may at times feel like a mere
provocation. After all, however, the task
of Art is to seize the attention and the
senses of the person who approaches it
and to “stab” him or her. Its aim is not to
cause harm but to encourage thinking,
to push to question personal certainties
over and over, to offer a different
interview by Valeria Langella

50 oil on handmade
(104x154 cm)
Pierre-Yves Le Duc
Painter, Artist, Naples
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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