category Sculpture
subject Human figure
base 120 cm
height 60 cm
depth 50 cm
year 2019

You are the tangle of your insane thoughts. .
Can you run away from yourself?

In Escape, his artistic research focuses on the psyche of the human being; fascinated by her ability to create unhealthy, self-harming or just plain negative thoughts.
The tangles of which the sculpture is composed represent the nefarious thoughts that afflict man, which tangle in their form becoming matter.
What unites the members of human beings if not having experienced, at least once in their life, negative thoughts?

You are the tangle of your insane thoughts. .
Can you run away from yourself?

In Escape, his artistic research focuses on the psyche of the human being; fascinated by her ability to create unhealthy, self-harming or just plain negative thoughts.
The tangles of which the sculpture is composed represent the nefarious thoughts that afflict man, which tangle in their form becoming matter.
What unites the members of human beings if not having experienced, at least once in their life, negative thoughts?
Federica Claudia Soldani
Artist, Bisceglie
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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