EST OVEST (2015)

EST OVEST (2015)
EST OVEST (2015)
category Sculpture
subject Beauty, Abstract
tags #venicedesignweek2015, #artcraftsanddesign, #sculturalampada, #Rakuceramic&Muranoglass
base 39 cm
height 63 cm
depth 39 cm
year 2015
Raku ceramic, Murano glass,LED.
PRIMARY FUNCTION: Sculpture- Lamp PRODUCTION OR REALIZATION TECHNOLOGY :After the modelling with refractory clay, I begin a deconstruction process of the traditional shape, a 20 day long drying process begins. I go on with the first cooking at 950 °C, the glazing process and the second cooking into a Raku oven at 940 °C. The object is removed still white-hot from the oven. Raku Process: during the “heat shock” the flames and the oxygen reduction method at 930 °C are decisive for both the “craquelure” decorative effect and metallic and iridescent reflections.
Arrangement of the LED lighting system and finally the insertion of the Murano blown glass flames.
Ana Maria Reque ART
Sculptor, Artist, Venice
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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