Exit the Block

Exit the Block
Exit the Block
category Painting
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Abstract
tags astrazione, uscire dal blocco, blu, psicologia, pennellate
base 40 cm
height 30 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
gouache on canvas panel

Exit the block is a work that invites you to leave a block.
the block can be understood in various ways: a mental block or a spiritual one. Or block in the sense of a group, something from which it is difficult to get out.
By tending towards abstraction, some forms are attempting to move away from the center of the block, where those who love that place (not necessarily evil) reside and they are one with it.
A single figure has actually managed to break away and is now escaping into a ​​white sea that is the unknown to be explored.

The work wants to advise exploring the unknown when a certain reality arouses negative emotions or is no longer enough.
Artist, Chioggia
Profile Photo
similar works
exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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