Fa Ruggine (Il desiderio non realizzato non perde di intensità, fa ruggine)

Fa Ruggine (Il desiderio non realizzato non perde di intensità, fa ruggine)
Fa Ruggine (Il desiderio non realizzato non perde di intensità, fa ruggine)
category Installation
subject Travels, Political / Social, Nature
tags viaggio, radici, spostamento, migrazioni, site-specific, barca, desiderio
base 400 cm
height 300 cm
depth 100 cm
year 2015
Site-specific installation: iron and tree
1 copy
This artwork is placed in Malonno, that had been characterized by strong emigration at the end of XIX century. In such a place people often ask themselves whether to leave or to stay. Not everyone who wants to leave, does it. Not everyone who leaves wants to do that. The instinct for travelling and change is often linked to fear of cutting the roots that keep us linked to our places, daily lives, identity. I wanted to fix in an image the moment when these two states of mind coexist. Their coexistence is never a balance, but it is a constant oscillation from one chance to the other until a decision is made. Or you don't take it. And then the rust is made. And the boat, instead of splitting the water, gets crossed.
Monica Carrera
Artist, Orzinuovi
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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