Fermofiume vers.carta

Fermofiume vers.carta
Fermofiume vers.carta
category Drawing
subject Political / Social, Landscape
tags graffite, fiume, carta, frottage, Maybe we are the waves, Valle Camonica, Malonno
base 100 cm
height 70 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2015
Starting from the physical form of the Oglio river and in particular from the stretch of river that crosses the town of Malonno, I extrapolated this trace transforming it into a large larch wood table. The table is deprived of the possibility of being truly used being without chairs or anything else. A "collaboration" will be needed from the population who will have to bring chairs from home or build benches later. In this way the table can be used, initially deprived of its primary function.
The table and the Oglio river are two mirror forms that relate to the environment in a totally different way. The river in constant motion; the table motionless in its shape, will oblige anyone who decides to use it to stop, using it as a point of observation of the river itself or to spend typical moments of conviviality in a community. There are several versions of Fermofiume, this is one of the paper versions made. In particular, it is the hole in the table that represents the islet in the middle of the river.
Francesca Damiano
Artist, Brescia
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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