Fil Rouge – bianco/nero

Fil Rouge – bianco/nero
Fil Rouge – bianco/nero
category Other
subject Abstract
tags leggenda, filo rosso, destino, anima gemella, anime, tempo, vita, spazio, incontro, unione
base 216 cm
height 96 cm
depth 24 cm
year 2018
A legend of Chinese origin says that we are all born with a "red thread" tied to the little finger of our left hand. This thread is called the “red thread of destiny”. It binds us to the person we are destined for, to our other half, to our soul mate. Souls are ultimately destined to meet and unite. It doesn't matter the time that has to pass, the events of life or the space that separates the two souls, because the thread that unites them will never break and no circumstance can pre-vent the two halves from meeting and ultimately uniting."

Articulated shapes of strips of white or black cardboard and red transparent plastic - long or short, wide or thin - curved and then installed on special and studied slots open on the laminil support. The airy spirals project vertically from one side of the support to the other.

Unique work
Daniela Lazzari
Artist, Mogliano Veneto
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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