Flying Carpet

Flying Carpet
Flying Carpet
category Installation
subject Travels, Abstract
tags #fiber#textile
base 220 cm
height 120 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2020

Bergamo - Bologna - Policoro - here after 13 h and 59 min I arrived in Rotondella.
The last 20 km of road allowed me to glimpse the country, with a rather particular shape, almost a small circular stronghold that dominates an uncontaminated territory. At this sight, he felt the adrenaline flow throughout his body, the enthusiasm to reach Rotondella, up to the first unknown land, mixed with the desire to get off Marino Bus was the master and as soon as I arrived at my destination I rushed to the Ionian Balcony .
The fatigue inflicted on me by the trip vanished, the landscape that opened before my eyes left me petrified, I could see the whole Gulf of Taranto, I was in the center of Basilicata, with the Pollino Park behind me, Calabria on my right and on my left Puglia.
My gaze shifted from one place to another, jumped from agricultural lands rich in apricots to clayey lands similar to lunar craters, I let myself be carried away, observing the small towns, small white spots here and there. I tried to orient myself, trying to establish my geographical position, a few kilometers away I saw Policoro and Nova Siri, if I had turned around I would have seen Montalbano and Tursi, I had a 360 ° field of view, a spectacle worthy of the Ionian BalconySuddenly my gaze was captured by a bright dot that moved freely in the sky, with fluid and sweet movements, being lulled by the wind; it moved among the clouds, danced in the blue sky flying over Rocca Imperiale and Quel Paese, from the saying “go to that town”, better known as Colobraro. Suddenly that glow became closer and closer, it moved at great speed towards me, when, as if by magic, a flying carpet was revealed to my eyes, with the colors that characterized the local lands, the browns of the cultivated fields, the greens of the Mediterranean scrub, the blue of the sea and the sky, a set of harmonious colors.
Unexpectedly, as if struck by a spell, I found myself on the carpet, we began to fly over Rotondella, from above I could see even better the particular shape that distinguishes it, the carpet carried me through the small and narrow streets of the town, I was able to grasp the close ties that among the inhabitants there was the great hospitality of the people; the carpet moved like a butterfly, its motion was uniform, we moved from house to house, from family to family, I observed all the plots and relationships that over time had been established between people, bonds of friendship, awareness, of discord that had built the community of the country. I flew light, free from any negative thoughts, the serenity and wanting to know the place made me lose track of time, when the carpet took me back to where it had found me, on the Ionian Balcony. The carpet left me, freed itself in the sky, pointing towards the horizon and like a lightning strike vanished. A week had passed, when I realized that the carpet woven by the community of the town had inserted me into its plot, into the life of the community of Rotondella.

Giulio Locatelli
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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