For The Love Of Dog

For The Love Of Dog
For The Love Of Dog
category Sculpture
subject Abstract, Animal
base 9 cm
height 26 cm
depth 11 cm
year 2020
This is a tiny Swarovski multi-coloured strass-studded real french bulldog skull which I called "For The Love of Dog" (2020). It obviously refers to most famous and greatly expansive Damien Hirst's "For the love of God": it represents its "poor" or "ironical" version. In this case I created a sort of mausoleum which puts together the life and death of the animal. The black and white photos collages of the dogs symbolize their earlier life, whose colours are captured by the multi-coloured skull that perpetuates them in the afterlife.
Tommaso Fagioli
Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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