
category Photography
subject Architecture
tags fotografia, paesaggio, installaione , scultura
base 70 cm
height 150 cm
depth 70 cm
year 1999
“Franz” is The First Traveling Sculpture (born between 1999 and 2000). The photographs that have a single subject portray landscapes: suburbs, villages, glimpses of abandoned streets and houses. The spectators are the passers-by who at that moment experience the place with the sculpture and its author (taking photographs) in the place where the ritual of the point of view takes place. Most of the shots are characterized by a point of view that is that from below: the camera is resting on the ground.
Over time, pieces of paper have been applied: every time, before going out to photograph, pieces of local newspaper torn with the hands are glued on the core of the piece, as if to add pieces of time of that place (ritual). After 2013 the sculpture has a large blue cloth that partially covers it.
After several stops, the project resumes with “Franz + 2021/22 returns to the heart of the city“. The sculpture will be exhibited in the historic centers (avoided in the past, with the exception of Venice2013 which was to be the epilogue of the photographic series). The city center is widely visited and cared for but with the new intervention we want to make another point of view of the already known.
Materials: a chair, clothes and rags, local newspaper, a pair of glasses, rope, liquid tar, blue cloth, paper adhesive tape.
Painter, Sculptor, Sound designer, Artist, Treviso
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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