Fuga da Los Ángeles

Fuga da Los Ángeles
Fuga da Los Ángeles
category Sculpture
subject Nature
base 28 cm
height 18 cm
depth 18 cm
year 2016
Escape from Los Ángeles is a lost-wax casting of stainless steel and clear resin. It weighs a total of 9 kg and is designed to be suspended in the air by a fishing line.
The three-dimensional work was born out of a desire to be carefully listened to and unveiled by the viewer with the same lightness of mind as when I pick up the humblest leaf or the most hidden vegetable; the presence of land and sea in my works is the result of an articulate and motivated research.
No longer the simple metal canvas pulled in several pieces, but the growth of an expression linked to the biological and spiritual origin, contained in a space that is not only horizontal and vertical but also ovoid: a fluctuating movement that escapes from the perimeter of metropolitan measures and canons that find in my hands the exact composition to revive and praise the astonished pleasure of man in front of the history of the Brera Altarpiece.
Resin, stainless steel, fishing line
Marilena De Stefano
Graphic artist, Spadafora
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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