Fuoco di paglia

Fuoco di paglia
Fuoco di paglia
category Installation
subject Abstract
base 60 cm
height 35 cm
depth 500 cm
year 2023
Galvanized sheet metal, down jackets, fiberglass rod

[...] The production of the works reveals a specific meditative practice; the artist is extremely interested in suspended time, removed from certain manifestations of frenzy and from the increasingly depersonalized communication of digital assistants or articulated by various A.I., even to the intrusion into space by objects which, occupying the same space, emit narratives of an event, that fact of news, of custom, or of culture that consumes the time of a story, then becomes a chapter in a history and potentially appears as public domain. "Fuoco di paglia" (Straw Fire), a work from 2023, presents itself as a synoptic assembly of galvanized sheet metal, jackets, and fiberglass rods, a bivouac between man and machine, a paragraph open to the user capable of reaching the synthesis of a nocturnal event, of an open-air symbiosis. [...]

Francesco Lucifora - Panorama Studio visit 2.0 - La Quadriennale di Roma
Alessandro Costanzo
Artist, Catania
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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