
category Sculpture
subject Travels
tags colorati, portale, universi, altrove, paralleli, mondi, realtà, immaginazione, rombo, fili
base 120 cm
height 230 cm
depth 20 cm
year 2022
Wooden frame and colored threads

Gateway is the first piece of a series that develops around the theme of parallel worlds.
Each 'Gateway' is conceived as a sort of portal through which is possible to metaphorically access another world. Crossing the portal means entering a universe in which new rules are in force, space and time are conceived in a very different way from what we are used to.
Everyone can choose which parallel world to inhabit; whether it is the world of imagination, in which we immerse ourselves when we fantasize while reading a book, watching a film or when we feel catapulted into the digital world and contact with reality seems so far away.
In this world, time stops and flows at a different speed. Through these portals we can all create our own world, in which we can be whoever we want to be.
Beatrice Spadea
Sculptor, Monza
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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