Gioco Pericoloso

Gioco Pericoloso
Gioco Pericoloso
category Sculpture
subject Nature, Abstract
tags Modulo, Incastro, Roccia
base 15 cm
height 15 cm
depth 35 cm
year 2023
Can a game be dangerous? Gioco Pericoloso (Dangerous Game) created from three fragments of rock and concrete collected on the beach of Vernazzola, is, in fact, dangerous: the three pieces of which it is composed would be incompatible with each other, if it were not for some plaster growths, convex or concave, which allow the elements to fit into each other, in a stable balance, but susceptible to sudden movements or shocks. In similar cases, in fact, the column formed could collapse on people or things.

The toy work can be completed in three phases: to arrive at its final form it is necessary to arrange the three fragments in the only or that allows it the strongest balance.
Beyond the tought about game, this work carries out a research on the idea of ​​module and recurrence of a module: in the nature that we know and study, things are governed by structures that are such in that they are composed of intercompatible modules: atoms that bond with atoms, cells with cells, bones with other bones, and so on. In this work three elements evidently unrelated to each other have acquired the ability to create a body starting from its foundation: communication among the parts.
Maurizio Pirone
Sculptor, Artist, Turin
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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