Un tuffo nell’oasi

Un tuffo nell’oasi
Un tuffo nell’oasi
category Installation
subject Beauty, Political / Social, Travels
base 200 cm
height 5 cm
depth 58 cm
year 2022
In the installation "Un tuffo nell'oasi" (A Dive into the Oasis), light and materials found on the beaches come into play; my creative journey stems from the passion I have for collecting and combining waste materials, objects found in illegal dumps and in our seas. You could say, therefore, that my works do not originate from a project but grow, change according to my mood and my daily experiences.
The combination of cork, plastic and feathers mirrors the manic symbiosis between me and the Mediterranean. Hence, the escapism expressed in the oasis and the mermaid: a work inspired by the illuminations of the South.
Wire mesh, iron rod, light.
Marilena De Stefano
Graphic artist, Spadafora
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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