category Video
subject Beauty, Human figure, Political / Social
tags perfermance, documentazione, bianconero
minutes 23
seconds 45
year 2022
Gorgeous makeup is a performance, body art, using a 20m long canvas to summarize the
path of life, I have experienced different periods in my life, from birth to death,
from groping to struggle to despair. I have expressed it throughout the performance.
As many possibilities as possible, use body language to express emotions, states. The
constant splashing of water (black) on my body during this process symbolizes
the stress we face. When we are young, our pressure mainly came from the outside world
. In the middle age, the pressure came from the outside world and the family. In old
age, it may come from the family more, which is reflected in the direction of
splashing water. In the face of death, I smeared white all over the body, which is our
makeup, our glorious death is like a funeral (want to leave clean), and we look
back and seal everything in the past. Finally I started a second application, lying
down, buried in black, like it was covered with mud. In this 20-meter-long painting,
there are random traces, but also deliberately. Our life is a blank piece of paper,
some traces may be buried but will always leave traces. When the gorgeous makeup fades, all traces never leave.
yirui fang
Artist, Venice
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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