Grandi libri – d’Arte

Grandi libri – d’Arte
Grandi libri – d’Arte
category Installation
subject Abstract
tags Villa Barbaro, libri d’arte, architettura, linguaggio, luogo, stanza
base 270 cm
height 172 cm
depth 24 cm
year 2019
The pages of the first book have as their subject the history of Villa Barbaro di Maser, with a very personal and interpretative narrative. Those in the second book narrate some peculiarities of 16th century architecture, with references to the language in use, taken from Andrea Palladio's "Four Books of Architecture".
The place, the context, the space, the characterizing architectural elements, which have the privilege of being unique, suggested the theme of the work. The harmonious sized room, special for its exclusive frescoes, skilfully furnished and welcoming to satisfy some needs. A comfortable sofa and soft armchairs invite us to stop and look, both around and at the ceiling, they allow us to rest, converse, listen to the music of a piano, to warm ourselves by the heat radiated by the fireplace and beyond all this... the presence of " some” books “expertly” keep us in this place in a “pleasant” read, telling us its history and more. The atmosphere becomes exclusive and intimate.
Why “Great Books”? The title of the work, which includes the creation of two "Great Books", was chosen with the aim of enhancing the importance and meaning that the book has and what it represents, especially in this place. Both books propose a personal interpretation of the "History of Villa Barbaro".
In the creation of the work the suggestion is given by the place and the meaning of the "book that narrates"; it becomes "a source of information, an instrument of knowledge, a source of inspiration, capable of setting thoughts, desires and actions in motion, it will be an emotion, a companion of the time dedicated to it". Communicate thoughts, ideas, events. Contains messages. It is a link between different times and events. It is a precious "place" where the mind takes refuge as well as being in this "room".

Articulated forms of cardboard strips, printed with images acquired and developed through the use of the printer or with key words inherent to the subject addressed; of ivory or yellow colour, of various shades, white or black - long or short, wide or thin - curved and then installed on special and studied slots, corresponding to an elaborate pattern, open on the laminil support. The cardboard strips or ribbons project, vertically or horizontally, from one side of the support to the other.

Unique work
Daniela Lazzari
Artist, Mogliano Veneto
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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