
category Performance
subject Nature, Landscape, Travels
tags Greenit, Green, parco nazionale , paesaggio, pigmento verde su erba, Parco nazionale Monti della Laga e Gran Sasso
hours 4
minutes 31
seconds 0
year 2017
Greenit, is a series of big shoots taken in autumn in the hills of the National Park of Gran Sasso that reveal incredible landscapes in which the hill that is in the foreground is always a soft green. It may appear to be a normal picture, a piece of a hill with some grass on a dry piece of land. For every picture there is a video that reveals the real motive and idea of the project that is invisible at first glance: an intervention that kept the artist occupied for many hours, painting the ground physically with atoxic paint made for plants (the name of the paint is the name used for the art show). A long performative action that pushes the limits of the seasons and defines the piece of land, taking a whole day to create something that now could be created just by an easy click and by knowing the abc’s of digital touchup programs.
In a time where the infinite ways of technology allow us to correct or delete images, Cametti chooses to modify Nature manually, taking the time he needs without any short cuts. Cambiare tempo, apart form modifying the characteristics of seasons, the weather and colors, is an invitation to proceed with slow steps, with responsibility. Changing it to invert it and to let it catch a breath. There is no need to use a thousand images to explain everything. Cametti just needs one to prove this very long process of creating art work.
simone cametti
Photographer, Performer, Sculptor, Video artist, Artist, Rome
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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