Human By Hand

Human By Hand
Human By Hand
category Sculpture
subject Abstract, Beauty, Human figure, Nude
tags Sculpture, clay, human form, body, hand, mano, corpo, esistenzialismo
base 15 cm
height 22 cm
depth 15 cm
year 2019
A sculpture I created in 2019, Human by Hand is a clay work, depicting the dichotomous relationship we have with art. Art, created by our hand, both responsible for demonstrating what we can achieve when we push ourselves to expand our limitations (in the very physical, real way), but also responsible for being the lens through which we learn about abstract essence of the world around us, awhile providing an indication of greater purpose and meaning that can be extended to each and every one of us... The artist (depicted reaching up towards the sky), seeming trapped within the confined of his hands (depicted by the anatomical references to the human hand throughout the sculpture), meanwhile, the hand, seemingly cannot exist without the presence of the artist... one is meaningless without the other.. the hand being analogous of our ability to create, and the man being analogous of our desire to create, and the two of them together is analogous of the responsibility we have to continue creating.
John Randazzo
Sculptor, Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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