Icons III – Tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe

Icons III – Tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe
Icons III – Tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe
category Photography
subject Abstract
tags Tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe
base 13 cm
height 18 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
Tribute to Robert Mapplethorpe
I decided to develop this idea and to deepen the theme of the Icon. After the intervention in Mordançage which causes the image, reproduction of reality, to enter an unreal condition, I use the application of the gold leaf to make the image assume an attitude of icon, such as, for example, the ancient Russian icons depicting the Madonna.
The choice of the number of nine images per project is a tribute to Andy Warhol, who with the work of the nine Marilyn cleared the image of the icon from classic to pop.

Analogue photographic print on baryta paper with silver salts, manipulated with the mordancage technique and addition of gold leaf. Single work. Photo paper support
Cesare Di Liborio
Photographer, Basilicagoiano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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