Identità solubili

Identità solubili
Identità solubili
category Installation
subject Political / Social
base 25 cm
height 25 cm
depth 400 cm
year 2019
Wood and reinforced concrete

A society without dignity, authenticity and memory can only be composed of a set of individuals with soluble identities. Wherever the condition of moral nobility of mankind and the respect owed to it is lacking, also the authenticity of the self is scratched by a superficial and impersonal way of living. Ideals are breaking, the pillars that support the western society are shattering and the world appears soluble. The empty hole generated from the fractures is a new space, through which matter can change, bringing with it traces of the past and memories of its own life. Inside this empty hole the man is phagocytised. He himself is matter subject to destruction, devastation and modification.
Elia Alunni Tullini
Sculptor, Foligno
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
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