La visione ritrovata

La visione ritrovata
La visione ritrovata
category Painting
subject Human figure, Abstract, Animal
base 167 cm
height 104 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020
"The Flight of Knowledge" the subject of this artwork is a scale magnification, worked in oil, part of the last video frame called "One:The Creation" - 33923083 created with the MelAjna® energetic painting unique method conceived by the artist which tells of the path of the Human Being from the origin until his liberation for some called Enlightenment, Body of Light or Body of Glory.
"With each drop of color/Light, each of us can imprint and generate the power of the Sound. Fire makes ethereal and volatile elements to recompose them in the creation of CosmoDeo, Leonardo da Vinci vitruvian, synthesis of Heaven and Earth, circle and square shapes, perfect harmony, Grail and Athanor of every transformation, in which to experience individual Idea of Creation. The Creature is part of the cosmic Energy, it exists and dissolved in it.
The Man arise and the Divine hides inside the heart. The man born and incarnated can experience his potential power throught the Feminine energy flowing from the belly to the heart. By getting to know and managing his emotions the man can re-conquer its true and authentich self that will guide him to bring back the Divine within himself and to participate to the Strenght of Love and Rhyme of Creation”.
In particular, the Eye of the Eagle and the Phoenix ready to fly are the symbol of the newfound acute vision of the truth, a knowledge, or rather a state of Consciousness, able to free the human being from the murky waters and emotions of the divided self, to bring him back to a state of Deep Inner Peace in which, clarity, lightness and fluidity are present elements in every moment of his New Existence. OIL ON CANVAS

Painter, Rome
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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