category Sculpture
subject Political / Social, Nature, Human figure
base 18 cm
height 28 cm
depth 14 cm
year 2023
INCIAMPO (Stumbling) represents an open situation, an instant that can evolve into regaining balance again or end in a ruinous fall. The motif of the sculpture presents an open ending and symbolically alludes to the crises that characterize our present and future, in particular the climate crisis. This work intends to awaken the viewer's awareness of the severity of the context and stimulate reflection on the urgency of reactions that allow us to find again a centre of gravity.
Bronze sculpture on a natural walnut base, 2023
W x H x D bronze 18 x 28 x 14 cm, walnut base 28 x 5 x 41 cm
Elena Sterbini
Artist, Bamberg
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N5
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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