category Sculpture
subject Abstract, Human figure, Political / Social
tags conceptual, wine, unconscious, subconscio, inconscio, glass, freud, psychology, psicologia, bottle, impossible
base 8 cm
height 29 cm
depth 8 cm
year 2024
The work consists of a paradoxical assembly: a bottle opener bottled inside a sealed bottle of white wine.

The composition shows the unconscious desire (represented by the bottle opener) to be able to express and release the essence of the subject (the bottle): its "soul" (the wine). The fulfillment of the desire would be able to free the ego, opening it to external reality, but the shell that contains, guards and protects the soul, at the same time prevents the escape and realization of the desire.

Freud believed that the dream was a psychic, oneiric manifestation, aimed at the realization of a drive desire not realized in reality, which drew its latent contents from the unconscious.

The ultrasound of the bottle reveals the instrument necessary for childbirth which will not happen without it.

Material: glass; metal; wine
Unique copy
Graphic artist, Digital artist, Sculptor, Video artist, Illustrator, Urbino
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exibart prize N5
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