Iris Bella 1

Iris Bella 1
Iris Bella 1
category Painting
subject Beauty, Human figure, Political / Social
tags hanbok , Corea, Korea, tradition, conflict, discrimination, selfconfidence, trauma
base 164 cm
height 193 cm
depth 1 cm
year 2022
The artwork Iris Bella 1 was created from a technique I came up with during the lockdown. I use the roll of canvas as a base directly on the wall, without a wood support frame. I sewed two "pockets" on the top and the bottom, where a curtain rod and counterweight batten fit. The technique is rudimentary, similar to the installation of a curtain, and working the oil paint directly on the wall proved to be particularly challenging... the lack of tension of the normal framed canvas required a lot of practice and adjustments. The effect captures the curiosity and gaze of the public, who often wonder what material was used. The ease of transport of the work facilitates the life of the artist and that of those who have to install. Details that are often underestimated in favor of the strange idea that the artist must suffer at any cost. Using this technique, 3 other works were made, including one 3 meter long. Iris Bella 1 is the female version of the Men's hanbok work, which has a male painted on top of the work. The hanbok is the traditional Korean dress, but these that I painted are now found only in museums. The fascination that these clothes exert on me stems from an adolescence trauma, and they represent the road I have traveled since I was little, a stranger in someone else's land, without ever being able to belong or feel I belong. All my works are originals in a single edition.
Sun Hee Moon Art
Painter, Artist, Grado
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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