
category Other
subject Travels, Landscape, Nude, Human figure
base 200 cm
height 200 cm
depth 200 cm
year 2016
Körperland is a new world, a land of bodies that remain naked, rootless from the frenzy of chasing needs and desires, alone, unique land to go through. This new planet is evolving in the artist’s immagination since 2009, and brings with it the atmosphere that marked more than the landscapes that hosted her, the horizon is marked by the boundary of the skin.
Evolution takes place psychologically, metaphorically transposed on the “body”. The world of work is increasingly mobile, the level and adaptability demands are increasing, people as goods have to be able to move wherever needed its presence and this is even more true in the case of the art world and culture in general.
Ph by: D. Gennai
Tatiana Villani
Artist, Viareggio
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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