L’ Eterno

L’ Eterno
L’ Eterno
category Painting
subject Architecture, Nature, Landscape
tags eterno, natura morta, tavola, piatti, fiori
base 160 cm
height 100 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
"The eternal is the background against which both the moment and the cycle are played, it is the timeless dimension from which both of these emanate. ... The eternal is the timeless dimension that contains the sense and meaning of Life , and therefore of every life, starting with ours. "
The scene of a daily ritual such as the meal, the vision of the dishes literally consumed by the unaltered continuity of events and the idealization of past memories as infinite moments come together in an instant that comes out of time and becomes Eternal.
Eric Pasino
Painter, Valdengo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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