“La libertà è a noi”, al Maniace – Ortigia l’installazione interattiva dedicata agli eroi del libero pensiero.

“La libertà è a noi”, al Maniace – Ortigia l’installazione interattiva dedicata agli eroi del libero pensiero.
“La libertà è a noi”, al Maniace – Ortigia l’installazione interattiva dedicata agli eroi del libero pensiero.
category Installation
subject Political / Social, Abstract, Architecture
tags ambiente, texture, costellazione
base 1600 cm
height 600 cm
depth 60 cm
year 2019
"Freedom is ours" is the guiding name given by the artist to the composition to direct the public in choosing the name with which to baptize each single "star/planet-work" that makes up the Costell-Action work; name to choose in memory of characters who have made history, who fought for rights, who brought about revolutionary changes in science, philosophy, civil rights, the environment, or everyday and unknown heroes who defended freedom with their lives of being and thinking. At the end of its journey, "Freedom is ours" will thus become a collective land art work dedicated to the memory of those who have allowed us to be here today in the full freedom of our being and fix them in a firmament of guiding spirits that illuminates the journey towards a full and authentic life.

Interactive installation - spray on circles of various sizes of plywood
salvatore mauro
Photographer, Digital artist, Performer, Painter, Sculptor, Artist, Syracuse
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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