la redenzione di bart

la redenzione di bart
category Animation
subject Human figure
tags 90s, cultura popolare, cultura pop, mistico, musica
minutes 2
seconds 43
year 2020
Aronne Pleuteri's research aims to analyze how people relate to art and how it's percieved outside the circle of amateurs. Analysis that faces and develops through a strongly and deliberately raw, young and ironic language, mirror of today web culture. The artist in "la redenzione di bart" tries to break down the distance that art seems to have placed between itself and the rest of the world, in order to restore its most original and immediate part of popolar culture. Using one of the icons of the 90s - Bart Simpson - and a contemporary style that blends with nostalgic videograhpics, Aronne Pleuteri is aimed at a wide audience. The voiceover of a god asks the protagonist to come back to him and so bart, after an indefinite amount of time, "jumps in to the dark" finding himself floating in the universe to gently head towards the same voice that calls him.

video - 1920x1080pixel - unlimited copies
Aronne Pleuteri
Artist, Anzano del Parco
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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