La ricchezza della diversità

La ricchezza della diversità
La ricchezza della diversità
category Performance
subject Animal, Nature
tags ambientalismo, ecologia, sparizione specie vegetali e animali
minutes 11
seconds 44
year 2018
Mother Nature has to face the attacks of myopic, destructive and therefore self-destructive Humanity.
Performance "The richness of diversity" by Giuse Iannello, with the participation of Elisabetta Ubezio in the role of Mother Nature.
The piece "Patti Chiari" is by Valerio Incerto.
The performance opened the inauguration of the Evuz art installation "Wunderkammer XXI" on the occasion of the Transformations Festival.
Giuse Iannello
Artist, Vigevano
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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