La vicina grotta dei ricordi

La vicina grotta dei ricordi
La vicina grotta dei ricordi
category Installation
subject Travels, Landscape, Nature, Abstract
tags #fiber#textile
base 250 cm
height 220 cm
depth 250 cm
year 2019
The nearby cave of memories, variable dimensions (250x220x250 cm), wire, 2019

The nearby cave of memories presents itself like an installation that induces the viewer to feel like a traveler aimed at embarking on a journey towards a space, in an intimate space, in an inner dimension, inherent in each individual where everyone can find what is and has been, your memories.
The installation is a real analogy, a cave that can exist in any space, a place not determined in a precise geographical position, because it is subject to a curvature of the space-time dimension that is visible and accessible only to those who have the sensitivity to perceive its presence and intend to undertake that journey into the bowels of themselves looking in the mirror, investigating their inner dimension by facing those fears and all those memories that often and willingly want to be forgotten.
White forms, pure shapes, candid, cold as snow rise and allow those who deal with the work to venture into the nearby cave of memories, where memories are many, a space located in the depth of each, a protected place where silence reigns and the only perceptible sound is the dripping of the membranes that surround the cave.
A drip marked by the time of life, drops of memory that do not dissipate in a vacuum, but create and shape the memories that rise like stalagmites from the ground.
Elements that by stratification of friendships, alliances, discord, affections, which are woven and intertwined, take shape in a very long long time, the time of life.
Giulio Locatelli
Artist, Bergamo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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