
category Painting
subject Nature, Human figure, Abstract
tags blu, sedia, piante, scorticato, lacuna
base 100 cm
height 150 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
"Lacuna" is an oil painting on panel in medium density height of 150cm to 100cm in width whose subject has been removed to reveal a second layer. The subject, the "flayed one" is then positioned in another part of the room, almost abandoned as a scrap. The latter is therefore nothing more than a layer of wandering color of about 110 cm in length by 60 in width when lying down.

The "tragic" part of the painting migrates from its own support and seeks its place away from the direct attention of the observer, thus leaving only a neutral subject and a colored outline in the painting. The flayed is now in dirty corners, hidden but always present. This is a kind of memento mori. This, depicting a mummified human half-length, is intended to represent the common destiny of imminent death and how this is often put aside and hidden in our minds until the moment we find it in front of us.
Eric Pasino
Painter, Valdengo
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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