Le antenne di Tangeri guardano il mare

Le antenne di Tangeri guardano il mare
Le antenne di Tangeri guardano il mare
category Photography
subject Political / Social, Human figure, Architecture
tags #desiderio, #confine, #immaginario, #sintonizzazione, #distanze
base 50 cm
height 70 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2020
Collage with photographic prints, 1 copy
Description: This work is part of a twelve photographic collages series. It was born in Tangier, on the Strait of Gibraltar (the ancient columns of Hercules) just thirty kilometers of sea from Spain. So close to Europe but so separated. In the evening the wind brings Tarifa’s voices, in the distance you can see the lights, but the Tangier inhabitants can only access it with a visa (daily or more extended, but still expiring). Europe and its wealth glimmers in front of them and bring crowds of tourists for the day trip to the kasbah. The medina is narrow, a huge amount of satellite dishes surrounds it, like a wall of ears that acts as a shield. They are the instrument through which the western world reaches it. On the other hand, I was extremely impressed by the amount of people who simply stop and look at the sea. They are static images, of suspended times, of listening, of different attunements. Inanimate and animated antennas. Here the sea is not only a distance to cross, but also the distance between the reality of a world and its fictitious representation.
The collages were made by superimposing the two images: above the image of the city, in which a window was physically obtained (by cutting it out) from which the image of the people looking at the sea overlooks. Two different photographic papers were used to further accentuate the contrast: fine art matte paper for the landscape, opaque photographic paper for people looking at the sea.
Monica Carrera
Artist, Orzinuovi
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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