Le terre dei padri

Le terre dei padri
Le terre dei padri
category Sculpture
subject Abstract
tags #leterredeipadri
base 45 cm
height 70 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020

Walking through the fields of Veio, an archaeological area near Rome, I found many clay fragments dating back to the Etruscan and Roman times. I found these small pieces of terracotta very fascinating, each one different in shape, color and material. I have always perceived their importance and when I found them I collected them, observed them. Somehow I wanted to preserve them from the destructive power of time and contemplate their symbolic strength. They could have been pieces of vases, plates or tiles. These objects were made, used in homes and buried in the earth, broken into fragments by time. A fertile nutrient full of history and wisdom that can give rise to inspiration. I wanted to give new meaning to their uniqueness, their power, as witnesses of a world that has now disappeared, tangible proof of a past daily life and of a civilization that has now disappeared. I started combining these fragments with terracotta elements that I conceived by drawing inspiration from the ancient relics. In modeling the small clay works, I observed the different finds trying to transpose their strength into new forms and languages. These broken, interrupted, curved or angular elements represented archetypes that allowed me to get in tune with a past that has now disappeared, giving it new meaning and new symbolic strength.

Materiale: terracotta e ceramica.
Misure: 45 x 7 cm.
Anno: 2020

Tecnic: assembly
Material: Glazed earthenware.
Single piece
Alberto Emiliano Durante
Sculptor, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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