
category Sculpture
subject Erothism
base 20 cm
height 6 cm
depth 6 cm
year 2020
7,000 pins- silicone
Sexual freedom, although in other situations in 2020 it may be normal, in southern Italy it is still a PUNGENT topic, especially if faced by a woman.
Riding the wave of irony, Taboo wants to emphasize, in a universal object used in sexual games by both men and women, the discrimination towards breaking a taboo, usually considered repugnant and worthy of blame by the community.
The sense of the work becomes matter thanks to the use of pins of which it is made, making an object soft and comfortable in a pungent, unusable one, completely removing it from the fundamental function for which it was born.
There is talk of progression, the advancement of freedoms, however it is still easy to discriminate against others only for habits belonging to their most intimate and personal sphere.
Judging someone is simple but not always effective or constructive.
Federica Claudia Soldani
Artist, Bisceglie
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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