L’equazione dell’irregolare

L’equazione dell’irregolare
L’equazione dell’irregolare
category Other
subject Nature
base 31 cm
height 31 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2022
The book has 45 printings made from matrixes of pine bark, hand printed, with a foldout insert on Japanese paper Kawasaka.
The text is printed in mobile font.

A lot of stone pines have been chopped down in Rome in the last few years.
The presence of this tree, millennial symbol of the city, has been halved, due to negligence, natural phenomenon, and the hand of the man.
In 2019 I got the idea of being a witness of this event, having seen the places I love, where I live, change.
The book has been an occasion to remember something about those trees, their skin that I catalogued as precious and rare objects.
Behind the memory, I intended to highlight the rigorous shape of each bark that, even irregular, follows a mathematical, iron logic.
And if, as Einstein said, mathematics is a poetry of logical ideas, these barks are a poetry about a necessary beauty.

Gianna Parisse
Artist, Rome
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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