
category Sculpture
subject Human figure
base 200 cm
height 10 cm
depth 100 cm
year 2015
Limbo, 2015
Silicone, 50 liters of oil and mixed media

A large tank filled with oil seems to contain the body of a man, but in the thickness of only 5 cm it is impossible that a human body is truly hidden.
The man's face emerges from the black expanse of oil that at first glance seems solid, but from a physical point of view it is liquid.
As many as 50 liters of the precious liquid imprison the human being in the grip of contemporary consumerism and at the same time allude to the real danger that the prevarication of the individual over the other has always represented.
It has been said that it is in man's nature to destroy oneself, therefore it is not possible to escape from what one is. That man who in himself has no importance in the face of the impotent spectacle of history. What sinks! What a choke! Let it disappear!
Unique specimen
Silicone, crude oil and mixed media
Dario Agrimi
Artist, Trani
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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