category Sculpture
subject Animal, Nature
tags limulo, fossile, acciaio armonico, natura, equilibrio, tensione
base 10 cm
height 200 cm
depth 20 cm
year 2015
Limulus is a chelicerate arthropod, the only representative of the genus Limulus, has never produced many species, it is considered a living fossil since its appearance has remained unchanged for 250 million years. Limuli are widespread mainly on the east coast of North America, from Maine to South Florida, and in the Gulf of Mexico to the Yucatán Peninsula. Currently this being is used in the medical field; their blue blood, is used to test the prostheses to be inserted into the human body.
LPS is inspired by this animal, it is an unstable sculpture. 
On top of a bar in harmonic steel the thickness of a pin that has as its base a sphere, hovers a Limulus in precarious balance. This symbol explains in an image the modification of the life of this being in relation to the action of man. The thin sculpture always produces a vibration in response to the extreme tension to which the elements that compose it are subjected, the same ones used for the control and realization of the prostheses.

Technique: Harmonic steel and taxidermic material
Luca Petti
Sculptor, Artist, Milan
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
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