MA – RA – BU’ – Un autoritratto da cameriere

MA – RA – BU’ – Un autoritratto da cameriere
MA – RA – BU’ – Un autoritratto da cameriere
category Painting
subject Animal, Human figure, Nature
base 100 cm
height 150 cm
depth 3 cm
year 2020

"MA - RA - BU '- A self-portrait as a waiter" is a painting inspired by a visit to the Natural History Museum in Geneva. Stuffed animals are nothing but statues that reflect the essence of every living thing. These display cases in which the countless species divided into sectors are shown are monuments that man conserves; well aware that their choices change and sometimes cancel many aspects of nature. In this cemetery decorated with descriptions and information of various kinds I found my self-portrait. The marabou is a bird halfway between the stork and the vulture with one of the largest wing openings in the world. When he flies he is elegant, superb, when he walks awkward and clumsy. It feeds mostly on carrion. Just like a waiter who still debates between the elegance of a service and a profession made of exploitation, of infinite hours, of fleeting and furtive morsels, of tips, small change to cheer a heavy soul. This self-portrait painted on plexiglass is the image of a young artist; put under display case not to forget your story. A story that continues and repeats itself for many other artists, generation after generation, hoping that sooner or later a new species can be formed.
Ricardo Aleodor Venturi
Artist, Pesaro
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exibart prize N4
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