Mappe Stellari

Mappe Stellari
category Installation
subject Landscape, Nature
tags artandscience, stelle, stars, astronomia, astronomy, map, northenemisphere, cieloboreale, mappa, interazione, infinitymirror, digitalart, app, specchioinfinito, artedigitale, lightart, science, arteluminosa, arteescienza, scienza, illusion, illusione, lightgame, giocodiluci, interaction, cieloaustrale, cielo
base 100 cm
height 100 cm
depth 20 cm
year 2017
Science has shown that the earth and the life on it were forged by stars born after the Big Bang exploding. In fact, only three elements were created during the Big Bang: helium, hydrogen and lithium; all the other elements were born afterwards as the result of the extreme heat and pressure inside stars. This is why human beings, like all nature, consist of stardust, atoms from space.
Penelope’s Stargates are based on this concept, and on the concept of universality and equality that they demonstrate in their simplicity. We all consist of the same chemical elements and we are part of a single complex system that underlies physical rules themselves.
Collectiveness and union are the driving thoughts for the creation of this work that intends to awaken feelings of belonging we have now forgotten. The link between humans and nature is powerful and vigorous, we are inseparable from the world around us that regulates our existence with its universal laws.

The StarGates unlike star maps are real reproductions of the Boreal and Austral skies, specific constellations or, again, the sky on specific dates.
How were the star-studded heavens seen on a particular night at given point on earth?
These celestial works are an expanse of sky on a given date in the past and the future: dates of birth or historical events.
Through this work the artist links the microcosmos with macrocosmos: humankind with the celestial.
Penelope Chiara Cocchi
Artist, Bologna
Profile Photo
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
web design and development by Infmedia


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