
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags neocubismo
base 60 cm
height 50 cm
depth 0 cm
year 2023
Acrylic on canvas
In this mesmerizing canvas, Rosbek confronts the human condition—the masks we wear, the truths we conceal. The fractured forms hint at dual existence. The masks—literal and metaphorical—cloak our true selves. Are we performers or prisoners?

In this composition, Rosbek masterfully dissects reality, presenting fragmented figures adorned with metaphorical masks. Geometric shapes intersect, creating a dynamic interplay of forms. “Masquerade” prompts us to question: What lies beneath our masks? How much of our true selves do we reveal?

This artwork pertains to a Neocubism Series that constitutes the subsequent exploration of semi-abstraction as an evolution of the deconstruction of reality performed by cubist artist of last century.
Painter, Silea
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