
category Painting
subject Human figure
tags art
base 80 cm
height 80 cm
depth 2 cm
year 2020
Oil on canvas. This work is inspired by the legend of Princess Sicily, with the aim of transmitting the sweetness but at the same time the strength of the Sicilian Woman.
Dedicated to all women of art, poetesses, men of letters, writers and painters, who have changed the outcomes, history, culture of a people and an island of great resources.
Because the women of Sicily in spite of all prejudices, in spite of the difficulties, are revolutionaries with a fighting spirit and foresight in their eyes.

"Legend has it that Sicily was the name of a beautiful princess of Lebanon who ended up landing on the shores of the island following an ominous omen: her father was predicted that his daughter, once she turned 16, she would have died devoured by a ferocious monster; the sovereign therefore decides to spare her life, making her get on a boat that would take her far from her homeland, to land in the land that took her name.
And since then, the women of Sicily have never stopped guiding its history, or influencing it, enriching it or distorting it, starting to make a difference. "
Marzia Nigito
Painter, Niscemi
Profile Photo
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