Materia Grigia (Green Crocodile)

Materia Grigia (Green Crocodile)
Materia Grigia (Green Crocodile)
category Sculpture
subject Abstract
base 15 cm
height 15 cm
depth 15 cm
year 2021
concrete, haribo green crocodile embedded inside

Many grey spaces can be found all around us, such as industrial areas, misty countrysides, smog- polluted cities or the corners of the house where dust and dirt accumulate. Also, we all have our own inner grey space, and that is the brain’s grey matter.
perfettipietro brings out from Materia Grigia the substance of thought which holds both the idea and the concept of the work before it is done. Forms and shapes loose their aesthetic value, for the artist's thought is hidden inside of them as something potentially visible and present. Years ago Manzoni created his famous Merda d'artista (1961) and earlier before Duchamp enclosed the air of Paris into a glass phial (1919). Whoever looked at those works was asked for a blind act of faith in art.
Today, perfettipietro seals forever one of his greatest obsession: a green Haribo crocodile shaped gumdrop, deeply trapped into his grey matter ever since he was a child and now trapped into this grey matter cube like a Pleistocene fossil.
Moving into the field of conceptual art, the artist plays with the viewer by challenging him to enter the space of the mind where intuitions and works are born.
At the mercy of chance, just as an idea is born or vanishes, perfettipietro asks us to trust him and the playful mechanism in which he involves us.
Artist, Parma
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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