
category Sculpture
subject Nature, Architecture
tags società, mare, earth, society, sea, terra
base 104 cm
height 28 cm
depth 19 cm
year 2021
The word Mediterranean, literally "in the middle of the land", contains the essence of the meaning of cultures and traditions, cradle of some of the most ancient civilizations, which have always been expressed through ceramics.
This work, which can appear as a scale model of a majestic architectural project, becomes the theatre of ancient and at the same time contemporary history, which is told.
A story of lines and planes, which follow one another, in a game of encounters and openings, which make it difficult to support what is inside and what is outside. One, two, three arches, like cultural passages, intersect, or maybe they are just the shadow of the central arch, which depending on the side from which you look, looks to the past or the future, looks towards the horizon or the hinterland, towards the east or west.
And just as in its etymology, the earth is around the sea, which, vigorous in its essence, is enclosed in a sort of ampoule, and becomes a line. Just what in nature is so difficult to identify, (where does the sea end and the earth begins exactly?) is revealed and becomes the symbolic liquid where everything originates, becomes the soul that crosses the material body.
Light and shadow cast the structure of cultural architecture on the ground, "outlining the strip of soil, smooth and pure, a white shaded shade, but at the same time hard and complicated physical form made of cuts and steps", explain the artists, softened by the refraction of the green blue colour on the white surface of the refractory earth.
And finally the mirror, an element that lately is often presented in the work of mCLp studio, smooth and cold surface that reflects, as if to remind us that we are part of the work, we are part of the story, and that it is up to us to decide what to hold back, how to cross time.
-The work is made of refractory clay, with plexiglas tube, cristal mirror on a white methacrylate base.
mCLp studio
Sculptor, Albisola Superiore
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exibart prize N4
ideato e organizzato da exibartlab srl,
Via Placido Zurla 49b, 00176 Roma - Italy
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